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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Travelogue Day 1

Today my travelogue begins covering the move from Grants Pass OR back to LA.  its starting out swimmingly so far.  I wont ask anyone for help so I took a taxi to pickup the uhaul truck.  when i got there ($15 cab), I discovered I did not have my wallet.  I had to have the taxi drive me back to my house. ($15) and on the ride I chattted it up with "wayne" my driver, a 60 something pot belly w indian feather silver earring.  Told him about the move, work, can't sustain up here, etc. 

He replies "Well, I hope I don't offend you but you're a nice looking friendly girl, you could always work as a...............(I couldnt imagine what would come out) .........waitress."

There's a life!!!  working at Applebees  or La Casita Mexican as a waitress, waiting on all the people I know from work because its a tiny town and everyone goes there.  I can't imagine a more horrible fate.

"uh, yeah well thats always an option isn't it."

We get to my house and I realize I left my keys inside and button locked the door on my way out.  This is great.  I hoped and prayed that my back gate was open, it was and I had a hide a key in the back yard. 

Got to the truck place, paid $60 w tip for a $15 ride. 

Drove home, tried to back in the truck to my garage door,  and ran over my mailbox.

Oh, and my movers never showed up, never called.  Couldnt get hold of them no answer.  An excellent start to the week. 

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